
March 25, 2012 § 2 Comments

Hello. I used to write short stories in another blog using spanish language. However a few months ago, I have changed my life and I have started to learn a new language in a strange and far country. Consequently, I am starting this blog but I don´t know what sort of writing do.

This is a big deal. And it is because I am learning English language. Therefore I know I have a lot of mistakes and I feel “worried” because of critique. Furthermore, I feel that my “personality” has been changed because I can not express correctly my ideas or simply say them.

Ok. However here I am, starting a new blog, writing in other language, looking for the best word to express my feeling… wishing to have my real “I” in the English version.

If you find an error, you can tell me. I will apreciate your help for improving my writing.

Nevertheless, “I Like Hot Water” is not a blog about English gramar… I expect to be a great blog about interesting experiences, wishes or imaginative things.

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